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Forest Service Announces New Forest Landowner Support Funding for Tribes

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Forest Service Announces New Forest Landowner Support Funding for Tribes

February 15, 2024 admin Comments Off

On February 14, 2024, USDA Deputy Secretary Xochitl Torres Small announced that the Forest Service is making at least $20 million from the Inflation Reduction Act available to federally recognized tribes and Alaska Native corporations and villages to help recipients overcome barriers to accessing emerging private markets for forest resilience or climate mitigation. The application package has been published on Grants.gov (Opportunity #USDA-FS-2024-IRA-FLS-02).  

Eligible applicants are federally recognized tribes, Alaska Native corporations and villages, and tribal organizations as defined in the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (25 U.S. Code § 5304). Eligible applicants may each submit one proposal requesting up to $2 million. Proposals are due by August 21, 2024. For more information, visit grants.gov or the Forest Landowner Support homepage. 

The USDA encourages tribal leaders and those interested in this opportunity to attend a live webinar on March 6 from 2:00-3:00 p.m. Eastern. Advance registration is required.